city lights.

coat c/o joules // anthropologie necklace {old} // jeans // boots // bag 
Guys, I don’t want to jinx it, but this winter in Chicago hasn’t been that bad yet. 
I know I know, I shouldn’t say anything – but after snowmageddon last year, sunny and 30 degrees doesn’t seen that bad. So until the snow comes knocking, I’m going to enjoy the luxury of sweater weather and wearing coats that aren’t intended to be worn in -20 degree weather πŸ™‚ 
This coat from Joules has become my new favorite and I find myself wearing it day after day after day. I’d been eyeing up a quilted jacket for a few months, and this one has it all – plaid, elbow patches, gold accents – it’s like I won the coat lottery. Paired with my favorite oversized sweater from Old Navy, and I’m set for anything this seemingly mild winter is ready to throw at me {except snow, let’s not go there yet please…} xx

8 thoughts on “city lights.

  1. Alyssa

    I'm in LOVE with this coatβ€”I was looking for something similar earlier in fall when the weather was cool, but didn't exactly call for a winter coat yet. I'll have to invest in one next year!

  2. Kari

    Love your outfit! I'm so glad the winter has been mild so far. I was getting nervous when winter first hit and we had single digit degree days, but this is ok. I'm hoping all the snow isn't going to hit in January, though! January-March were so dreary and cold last winter. Hoping for a heat wave!!

  3. Nicole Regan

    Yes, is it weird I am loving the rain these past few days? It means it is warm out. And that coat is adorable – I need a quilted coat – you can never have too many jackets in Chicago!

  4. Sarah Lagen

    I can't believe how this winter has been, I hope it stays this way all winter long!! πŸ™‚ I agree with Nicole — you can't ever have too many coats in Chicago!

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