5 low calorie drinks to order at the bar.

I have to come clean,  I made a big mistake the other night. I googled how many calories are in a glass of champagne. First of all, I’m not going to tell you the answer because that’s cruel and unusual punishment…but let me just say, it’s more than you would think. I’m not sure if it’s just plain sugar, or liquid bacon, or what, but it’s not good. 
So what was the next logical step? Definitely googling the calorie counts of all my favorite drinks. Again, it was bad news bears all over the Internet. So what’s a girl supposed to order at the bar that’s not  going to kill her diet? Here are 5 drinks you should take out for a spin on your next night out. 
From left to right:
1// Bloody Mary: Let’s consider it drinking a salad, alright? Alright! Bloody Mary’s only pack about 125 calories. Unless you’re drinking on in Wisconsin, those tend to be topped with fried mozzarella, a quarter pound of salami and olives. But we’ll just go with 125…
2// Cosmo: These pretty pink drinks have about 150 calories, and taste extra delicious. Now you can feel like a celebrity and not worry too much about your waist line. 
3// Mai Tai: Pro-tip, ask for diet soda rather than regular and you’ll save yourself a lot of extra calories. Diet soda recipes can cut the calories to about 150 calories, like this recipe from Hungry Girl
4// Cape Codder: This tasty east coast favorite is deliciously diet friendly. At only 150 calories, it’s not too terrible for you too. Plus, cranberry always wins…
5// Classic Vodka Soda with Lime: My go to? Definitely a Vodka soda with lime. When I’m feeling especially dangerous, I ask for a splash of pomegranate or cranberry juice – yum yum!
What’s your regular when you’re out on the town? I could always use 5 more favorites to try 😉

10 thoughts on “5 low calorie drinks to order at the bar.

  1. Ashley

    My favorite go-to drinks are blueberry stoil & soda (it's not too sweet like it sounds) and Firefly + water and a lemon slice. Do they have Firefly in Chicago? Sweet tea flavored vodka and it is the JAM!

  2. Alyssa

    Lol you are too funny! I actually had no idea champagne had a lot of cals (now I'm going to have to google it…). I usually stick with wine, beer or a whiskey ginger, although I'm not sure how good any of those are for you either!

  3. Brenna McCarthy

    Oof, now I feel totally compelled to Google how many calories are in a glass of champagne. Must.resist. Anywho, I love Cape Codders as a low-cal drink option! The seasonal cranberry lime Sierra Mist with vodka is my winter go-to and fruity vodka with Sprite is my summer fave. Good to know that Bloody Mary's are relatively low cal too – they're a guilty pleasure.

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