Midwest Style Bloggers

Happy Monday!
Today I wanted to share what I hope is the beginning of something very exciting for 2013! My girl Lauren at La Petite Fashionista and I are hoping to bring together some bloggers from around the Midwest to celebrate, share blogs, find inspiration and create events for us Midwesterners to connect beyond our computer screens. We may not be London, Paris or Tokyo, but we’ve still got some serious fashion and design savvy women living in our corner of the United States!
If you’re interested in joining us – let us know – send us an email at midweststylebloggers@gmail.com with your name, blog and where you live  and we’ll fill you in on more details as they come closer. We’re setting up a Pinterest page of inspiration, a central blog and much much more in the next few weeks!
Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

12 thoughts on “Midwest Style Bloggers

  1. Ashley

    This makes me SO excited!! As someone that splits time in-between Atlanta and St. Louis (for the bf), this is a great idea! πŸ™‚

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